This mobile mapping system offers high-density, high-precision point clouds, combined with high-resolution panoramas from a smaller, lighter system that is easier to handle.
The IP-S3 positioning system integrates an Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU), GNSS receiver (GPS and GLONASS), and a vehicle odometer. It provides precise positioning and attitude in a dynamic environment.
The rotating LiDAR sensor captures the environment with a rate of 700,000 pulses per second. During each rotation, the 32 internal lasers cover the full 360 degrees around the system, each from a slightly different viewing angle. This minimizes gaps in the point cloud which arise from obstacles or dead angles and removes the need for multiple scanners.
With a six-lens digital camera system the IP-S3 provides 360-degree, high-resolution spherical images that allow easy feature recognition. Mobile Master Office software handles all post-processing trajectories and georeferencing scans and images.